Razderao futrolu za mobitel pa nije mogao vjerovati od čega je napravljena

Foto: Reddit

UNUTAR uobičajenih i naoko običnih predmeta nerijetko se može pronaći i nešto neočekivano. Bored Panda sastavila je galeriju neobičnih stvari koje su korisnici društvenih mreža pronašli u drugim stvarima, a galerija je odmah privukla puno pažnje. Evo i zašto.

1. Kad pas uništi kaktus, a unutra je još jedan - tužni.

My dog destroyed her toy cactus, and there was another sad cactus inside from r/mildlyinteresting

2.  Kocka u kocki.

Good guy die manufacturer. Puts die in your die so when your die dies you have a new die. from r/thingsinsidethings

3. CT slika 1000 godina stare skulpture Bude otkrila je mumificiranog redovnika u statui.

4. Razbio žabe pa unutra pronašao skulpturu svinje koja svira gitaru.

I broke a yard decoration that had 2 frogs and found inside 1 pig playing guitar. from r/mildlyinteresting

5. Loptica za golf.

This golf ball inside a log I found. from r/mildlyinteresting

6. Kamen u kamenu.

This rock inside a rock from r/mildlyinteresting

7. Ova kugla za boćanje puna je malih kugli.

This Bocce ball is full of little balls from r/mildlyinteresting

8. Jaje u jajetu.

I had an egg inside my egg from r/mildlyinteresting

9. Plišanac koji je imao srce.

My dog tore open his Yoda plush toy and the squeaker inside is a heart from r/mildlyinteresting

10. Hmm...

I ripped up my old phone case to discover it’s made of a Macau beer mat. from r/mildlyinteresting

11. Periodni sustav u hlačama.

The inside of my jeans contain the Periodic Table of Elements from r/mildlyinteresting

12. Evo od čega se očito rade jeftine futrole za mobitel.

the inside of my iPad case is made of old toothpaste boxes. from r/mildlyinteresting

13. Skriveni džep za kondom?

My new jeans have a hidden inside pocket for a condom from r/mildlyinteresting

14. Vreća za boksanje koja se raspala...

Our punching bag finally ripped apart only to reveal its filled with old clothes from r/mildlyinteresting

15. U kremi za brijanje...

This is the inside of a can of shaving cream from r/mildlyinteresting

16. U piluli...

Accidentally broke a pill and it had 12 tiny tablets inside. from r/mildlyinteresting

17. Beba morskog psa u lignji.

Today I Found a baby shark inside a calamari from r/mildlyinteresting

18. U bateriji.

Ever wonder what's inside a 6 volt battery? from r/mildlyinteresting
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