PONEKAD gledajući obiteljske fotografije doživljavamo različite emocije. Bitni životni događaji, nespretni kadrovi, ali i svi ostali zabilježeni trenuci čuvaju uspomene. A često nas te uspomene nasmiju, i to glasno, piše Bright Side te donosi obiteljski album fotografija koje su "predobre da bi bile istinite."
1. Obitelj iz ranih 90-ih.
Inspired by others I saw so I though I'd share my early 90's family photo from r/OldSchoolCool
2. Prije i nakon prvog dana vrtića.
A picture of my friends little cousin before and after his first day of kindergarten... Broken. from r/funny
3. "Vjenčanje mojih roditelja, 1980-e".
My parents wedding day. 1980s from r/OldSchoolCool
4. Frizura moje mame iz vrtića (1969.)
My moms kindergarten picture 1969 😍 My grandma was attending hairdresser courses and loved to practice her hive skills on her 4 daughters. from r/OldSchoolCool
5. Izgubili mu prtljagu prije vjenčanja.
When the airline loses your luggage before the wedding.
6. "Sestra godine."
Behind every little sister there's a big sister holding the milk cup with her foot. from r/pics
7. Vjerojatno ne baš najbolji izbor majice.
Friend Wore the Wrong Shirt to Picture Day
8. Oink.
My daughter has a hard time of saying bye at Pre-K from r/funny
9. Razočaranje na Havajima (1995.).
My trip to Hawaii, circa 1995 from r/funny
10. "Kad nemate više o čemu razgovarati."
When you run out of things to talk about from r/funny
11. "Nikad se ne smije."
My turn! 1993 and no...my dad never smiles. from r/OldSchoolCool
12. Maturalna večer 1976.
My mom and her priceless prom date, 1976 from r/OldSchoolCool
13. Nisu ovo očekivali.
Taking a picture with my GF in Berlin, when out of nowhere... from r/pics
14. "Moja mama sa 17 godina."
My mother at 17, this was her senior portrait, the lady loved her hair so much she took a bunch of pictures for her. 1988 from r/OldSchoolCool