Ovi su jadnici na teži način naučili da te život nekad jednostavno osudi na propast

Foto: Reddit

VJEROJATNO ste dosad već naučili da u puno situacija možete dati sve od sebe, ali i dalje će zavrišti neuspjehom. Ova ekipa je to naučila na jako težak način. 

Ako mislite da ste vi imali težak dan, možda vam njihovi primjeri pokažu da je moglo i puno, puno gore. 

1. Sam sam ugradio mikrovalnu i uštedio 150 dolara koje bih dao majstoru

Apparently my post isn't appropriate for r/DIY so I'll share with y'all. I installed my own microwave today and saved $150 in install fees! from r/Wellthatsucks

2. Oprala sam svoju omiljenu vestu

Washed my favourite jumper :( from r/Wellthatsucks

3. Obukao sam čarapu

Well this socks from r/Wellthatsucks

4. Danas je moj muž shvatio da je vrijeme da kupi novu fotelju.

Today my husband discovered it is possible to recline the reclining chair too far from r/Wellthatsucks

5. Htjela sam si priuštiti opuštajuću kupku, kupila sam najgoru bombicu za kupanje.

Wanted a relaxing bath to ease the sadness, got the most disgusting bath bomb possible that stained both me and my tub and my poor shower pouf after I vigorously tried to get it all off. "Beautiful bath" my ass, I look like I rolled in dirt now. from r/Wellthatsucks

6. Dva sata sam pješačila da si upriličim piknik, evo što se dogodilo

Hiked two hours to set up a picnic, returned to this from r/Wellthatsucks

7. Moj očuh je danas pokušao okrečiti naš dnevni boravak

My stepdad tried to paint our livingroom today... from r/Wellthatsucks

8. Pokušao sam uštedjeti na frizeru i dati cimeru da me ošiša

Tried to save money by having my roommate cut my hair. She forgot that she took the guard off. from r/Wellthatsucks

9. Nezgoda s printerom

The printer exploded... from r/Wellthatsucks

10. Mjesecima sam trenirala i bila na dijeti kako bih ponovo mogla ući u ove hlače. Obukla sam ih prvi put u četiri godine. Jedna boca vruće vode kasnije...

I have been dieting and fitting back in these pants was one of my goals. Today is the first day since four years that I could wear them. One hot-water bottle later... from r/Wellthatsucks

11. Prije ere Trip Advisora na obiteljskom odmoru smo dva sata hodali do slavne špilje. Ovo je špilja.

Before the days of TripAdvisor, on a family holiday to Scotland, we spent two hours walking to a famous cave expecting it to go underground and everything. This is the cave... from r/Wellthatsucks
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