NAKON što su uragani Helene i Milton prošli kroz jugoistok SAD-a, Big Dog Ranch Rescue iz Floride preuzeo je 83 psa koji su ostali bez domova.
Neki psi su preživjeli smrtonosne situacije, ali tim hrabrih volontera osigurao je da svi budu zbrinuti i sigurni. Gledajući njihova uplašena lica, teško je ne osjećati suosjećanje s njihovim prethodnim vlasnicima koji su izgubili sve, uključujući svoje voljene ljubimce.
No, unatoč teškim okolnostima, mnogi od ovih pasa ponovno su pronašli nadu. Njihovi repovi ponovno mašu, a osmijesi volontera svjedoče o njihovoj hrabrosti i predanosti. Spasioci iz Floride nastavljaju sa svojim misijama, pružajući utočište i ljubav svim zaboravljenim životinjama.
@bigdogranchrescuefl 🚨 After the devastation of Hurricane Helene, we were able to take 83 dogs that were left with nowhere to go, scared and stranded. Thanks to the heroic efforts of Natasha, who worked tirelessly to organize and gather all these pups, they now have a second chance at life here at Big Dog Ranch. 🐾💔 A heartfelt thank you to Saving Sage out of Sunrise, Florida, for opening their doors and taking in all 80 cats and kittens, offering them the safety and care they desperately needed. 🐱💙 This incredible collaboration of compassion and resources proves that even in the darkest times, there is hope. Together, we are their lifeline. 💙Donate: 🐶Lifesaving Member: 🐾 Adopt: 💲Venmo: @bigdogranchrescue 💰CashApp: @bigdogranchrescue 💵Zelle: #bdrr #bigdogranchrescue #dogrescue #rescuedog #AdoptDontShop #adoptadog #foreverhome #save10k #save10kdogs ♬ original sound - Big Dog Ranch Rescue