PROFIL na TikToku pod nazivom Kong's Keeper objavljuje snimke gorila koje žive u zatočeništvu, ali u zaista zavidnim uvjetima sa svime što im je potrebno za sretan, ispunjen i zabavan život, bez rizika od susreta s krivolovcima.
Čovjek je uspio uhvatiti gorile u nekim smiješnim trenucima, pa se tako može vidjeti jedna kako frajerski šeta po nastambi, kako se igraju s plahtama, kako se svađaju, rugaju posjetiteljima zoološkog vrta, a ima i nekih podosta komičnih prizora u kojima gorile imaju gotovo ljudske gestikulacije i kretnje.
@kongskeeper Gorillas qualify for big boy season for sure. #fyp #gorillas #zoos #zookeeper #ReasonForBooking #AmazonSavingSpree ♬ have of yall not even big chile - 🆘
Kong's Keepera na TikToku prati 281 tisuća ljudi, a snimke su mu dosad skupile milijune pregleda i više od 8.5 milijuna lajkova.
@kongskeeper Had to share thus video from @Jonathan Q. Case™ of two of the bachelors at the Dallas Zoo. Got to love when they come out bipedally! #gorillas #zoos #ShowOffLandOFrost ♬ original sound - Kong’s Keeper
@kongskeeper When they call you a monkey and you don’t have a tail. #gorillas #zoos #conservation #fyp #FilmTeyvatIslands #viral ♬ Tell me something that will piss me off - Artimus Wolz
@kongskeeper We stan gorillas that love the rain! #zoo #gorilla #zookeeper #fy #fyp #rain ♬ Stan Remix - CMG Trap
@kongskeeper Ever wonder what a couple of bachelors sound like when they’re wrestling? Wonder no more! Charlie and Stadi at Zoo Atlanta having a play sesh! #gorillas #zoos #conservation #fyp ♬ original sound - Kong’s Keeper
@kongskeeper Do you want to build a snowman with a gorilla?! @thejasonanthony @gorillaz #gorillas #conservation #zoos #zookeeper #LaysGoldenDuet #fyp #AVrboForToge ♬ Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz